Thursday, August 19, 2010

6 Months!

I can't believe Carson is now 6 months old. He is already growing up way too fast. Carson is now sitting up and can stay that way for a little bit before falling to the side. This month has been a lot of firsts for Carson. He had his first boat ride, which he seemed to actually enjoy. He also experienced food for the first time. Carson got to try rice cereal. He doesn't seem too sure of it yet. Additionally, Carson is finally starting to sleep through the night too. Yeah! Of course, we don't want to jinks it. We will keep our fingers crossed that this will continue. Carson continues to amaze us every day. We always enjoy seeing what the next day will bring us.

Carson sitting up. He is such a big boy!

Showing off the cute buns!

Carson wearing his life jacket on the boat.

Enjoying the boat ride with Mommy.

Daddy always has to be silly!

Carson had too much fun and couldn't keep those eyes open anymore.

Carson's first try at rice cereal.

Yummy! Although, he's not too sure what to think of it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for sleeping through the night! I love the new pictures...he is so stinkin' cute!
