Thursday, May 27, 2010

3 Months Old!

It is crazy that Carson is already over 3 months old! The time is flying by and Carson keeps getting bigger. Carson loves to play on his play mat where he can try to grab the toys from above. He is smiling a lot more now and even started to giggle. The time finally came for me to go back to work a couple days a week, which I kept dreading. I thought I would cry all day at work. Lucky for me, Jeremy watched Carson both days and brought him into work so I could see him and have lunch with both of them. Being able to see Carson a couple times during the day at work has helped me ease back into the swing of things. Here is his 3 month picture; which I'm a little behind on posting.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Auntie Nicole's Visit and Mother's Day Weekend

Yay! Auntie Nicole was finally able to come out for a visit. She got to see Carson for the first time. It was a lot of fun and gave me a chance to do stuff around the house. Auntie Nicole even got Carson to take the pacifier. Thank goodness.
It seemed like it was a short and busy stay for Nicole. We took a day trip up to Sandpoint, Idaho to visit Grandpa and Grandma Green. Carson got to meet his great Grandparents for the very first time.
Not only did Carson get to see his Great Grandparents but Grandpa and Grandma Lefor came out for a visit for the weekend. It was nice having the whole family together.
Auntie Nicole out visiting Carson and I

Carson having fun on his play mat

Jeremy, Carson, Cooper, and I up at the lake

Carson got to see his Great Grandpa and
Grandma Green for the first time
The family on Mother's Day

Grandpa and Grandma Lefor out for a visit for
Mother's Day Weekend